
Nitrogen Reducing Formulation: (Water Soluble)


Bio-2000 is a biological waste treatment product that utilizes the powerful waste digesting activity of natural bacteria and enzymes to rapidly break down solids and reduce the nitrates and total nitrogen in animal waste. The nitrogen reducing formulation contains a specifically selected species of bacteria capable of reducing nitrates to nitrogen gasses under anaerobic conditions. This reduces the problems of fertilization with high nitrate manure. The product also contains specifically selected species of enzyme producing, facultative anaerobic bacteria that can grow and break down solids under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. As these facultative bacteria proliferate, the noxious odors and ammonia associated with putrefactive anaerobic decomposition are reduced.

Whether you are digesting solid, semi-solid, or liquid waste from cattle, swine or poultry, the Bio-2000 line of products can enhance the natural process of waste digestion to reduce odor, solids, and other problems associated with manure.

Recommended Use:

Animal waste containing high levels of nitrates and total nitrogen.

Active Ingredients:

Activity: Total Guaranteed Count - 1.67 x 1011 CFU/gram

Form: Bacteria - spores and stabilized vegetable cells Carrier - water soluble

Toxicity: None

Application Rates:

The application rate of Bio-2000's Nitrate Reducing Formulation is dependent on the volume of liquid waste in the storage facility.

In order to estimate the volume of your holding facility and determine the amount of product required, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Determine the volume in cubic meters: Multiply the length (in meters) by the width (in meters) by the depth (in meters). The result is the estimation of volume in meters.
  2. Convert cubic meters to liters: Multiply the numbers of cubic meters by 1000 to determine the volume of the storage facility in liters.
  3. Determine kilograms of product for treatment: Our in-house chemist can devise the appropriate application for your specific needs.

Directions for Use:

The product should be activated with warm water prior to use. Dissolve one kilogram in 50 liters of water in a clean tank. Disperse the product over the entire surface of the lagoon or storage facility. Apply the solution by spraying it directly on the surface of the lagoon or by adding to the holding tank prior to flushing. To ensure maximum activity, use the solution as soon as possible after hydration. Due to factors such as temperature and water purity, the solution can deteriorate on standing. Discard unused solution and prepare fresh solution after 8 hours.

Storage: Store in a cool dry place.

Packing: 3 - 10 kilograms in sealed plastic container.

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To contact BioSafe™ Please call: 1-(408)-369-1225
